Way back in August I wrote a blog entry about how many of us can help prevent spam, using the rel=“nofollow” attribute on links. So I sat down a while ago and created this module for Community Server. It will automatically parse each page for links, and if they are external links then it will add the rel=“nofollow” attribute to them. Please note the source code is included.

Installation steps

  1. Download and install WindowsCoding.CS.Modules.dll to your Community Server bin directory

  2. Open up your communityserver.config and under the <CSModules> add the following. Be sure to change the sitename to the domain name of your site.

    <add name = "WindowsCodingNORel" type = "WindowsCoding.CS.Modules.NORelModule, WindowsCoding.CS.Modules" sitename="SITENAMEHERE" />
  3. Save communityserver.config, the module will now be installed.

