1 minute read

This afternoon I started on creating the documentation for how to customize Community Server Enterprise Reporting. I’m going to be working on this for a while, because there are so many things one can customize, like:

  • Multiple database connections,
  • Declarative report model,
  • Enabling and disabling reports,
  • Configuring reports,
  • And much more!

One thing that I have noticed over the past couple of years is that a lot of the documentation running in the wild is usually not that good. Personally, I believe that this is a horrible thing because people now tend to not check the products documentation and will just contact support. I know a few support people and used to be in support. I have noticed firsthand, that hardly anyone reads documentation.

So I have a proposition: We will not stop until our documentation rocks!

Today, Telligent treated everyone with Ice Cream after they had catered in Bone Daddy’s. This ice cream was in celebration for all the employees who have birthdays this month! Happy Birthday everyone at Telligent whose birthday is in the month of August!

Thanks Telligent!

Read the complete post at telliterns.com/blaken/archive/2007/08/06/product-documentation.aspx

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