1 minute read

Today was not the ordinary Friday that I usually look forward to. To start out the day Jason Alexander asked us where we wanted to eat. The interns took a quick vote and decided to go to Rafain. I really love Rafain because it is so delicious. For those of you who don’t know what Rafain is? It is a Brazilian steakhouse that ROCKS! The interns as a whole ate way too much including Jason (who was on a diet).

After the huge lunch we had a guitar-hero contest with the prize being who got to keep our desk. You can view the whole contest on a Tellicast coming to your viewing area soon. You will either have to call me up or watch the Tellicast to find out who the loser was. Thank god it wasn’t me.

Telligent also provided us with some Tellitern shirts, which was pretty cool. Thanks Telligent for the internship, food, vacation, the overall experience to work with great people.

Read the complete post at telliterns.com/blaken/archive/2007/06/29/rafain-is-awesome.aspx

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