The weather during the past two days has been absolutely spectacular! I wish we were a little closer to the gulf so I could take a quick ride to the beach.
I really like the new task website (Tellicamp); I know exactly what myself and co-workers have to get done by the end of the day! The Telliterns have quickly killed the list of TODOs. I can’t wait till see tomorrows feedback from Rob Howard, Jason Alexander and the rest of the Telligent.
I spent a little time debugging today, the reason is because I received the
exception Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack.
I googled this exception because I have never seen it before, quickly I found
out that the search results had nothing to do with what I was working on. I was
stuck in a state of mind wondering to myself what could be causing this. What
I didn’t realize that when you touch an assembly in the bin directory it
restarts the application, I thought only touching the web.config would restart
the application.
How I got into the situation is I set up a System File Watcher to watch the bin
directory for new assemblies. Once this watcher fired an event, I checked to
see if the file was of the proper type and then used Activator.CreateInstance
to create a new instance of the class. However, once the event fires, and the
code is executing, ASP.Net has already started to restart the application.
Read the complete post at
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