As one might suspect the weather here in Dallas is starting to return to normal. We have had three days of fairly nice weather with only a little bit of rain falling today. I can feel that August is going to bring some warm weather. I really don’t mind warm weather that much, because I know I’ll be in where it’s nice and cool.
The weather during the past two days has been absolutely spectacular! I wish we were a little closer to the gulf so I could take a quick ride to the beach.
Today was one of those rare days when you wake up and it actually doesn’t look like it is going to rain. Well maybe not so rare here normally, but it sure has been so far this summer.
Yesterday was a pretty interesting day if you ask me. For one we set up a new system to keep track of tasks, bugs and feedback, which is pretty sweet. Not only will this help us manage what needs to be done, it will change the way our scrum meetings are held.
We got notice late last night that Jason Alexander was not feeling so well and let us know that Bill Robertson would be taking charge for the day.