
1 minute read

Tomorrow most of the people at Telligent will be taking the day off, however there are a lot of hard working people at Telligent that are still coming in. We were offered to take off a little bit earlier today if we wanted. This was pretty cool of Telligent. I was unable to take off early due to a couple of the guys came up to me and asked me if I wanted to play some counter-strike: source. They knew I couldn’t resist so here I am going to play a little bit.

1 minute read

Today was not the ordinary Friday that I usually look forward to. To start out the day Jason Alexander asked us where we wanted to eat. The interns took a quick vote and decided to go to Rafain. I really love Rafain because it is so delicious. For those of you who don’t know what Rafain is? It is a Brazilian steakhouse that ROCKS! The interns as a whole ate way too much including Jason (who was on a diet).