Today at our scrum meeting Jason Alexander told us that we would be reviewing Tattletale to Scott Watermasysk and Rob Howard after lunch. So we spent a part of the day cleaning up the code (which was needed a little bit). Soon we realized when we were testing our reports during the cleanup, that someone updated our db schema and deleted some tables, and that we would need to rerun the tasks. For some reason the tasks took especially long time to complete. So during our demo we didn’t have…
I really cannot believe that a month has passed since I arrived in Texas. The internship is 33% completed and it seems like three percent.
Today was another dreadful day of having problems with the task framework. We wrote four blog reports today, which is not nearly the amount that we have written in the past, but overall today I think I got a lot accomplished.
After arriving to work with we started estimating how long our reports would take to complete. Little did we all know that we would run into problems soon enough. Telligent supplied us with a delicious and much appreciated breakfast this morning. After Ryan, Adam and I came back from lunch; we opened our car door and then heard a massive sound coming from Mother Nature. Right after this happened Adam said maybe we should go back and unplug some things. Ryan then said no we will be okay. It was…
Today, we got into the office and worked on reports all day, we found a few flaws in our framework and made the necessary changes. This week we all have been estimating and recalculating how long it will take us to get the reports done. I like that we are doing this, so in future references when a client asks us how long something will take. We can estimate to the best of our abilities how long something should take and bill them accordingly.